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Class timetable

Yoga Shred
Mysa Flow
Sculpt Shred
Mysa Flow
Yoga Shred
Pilates Shred
Pilates Shred
Mysa Flow
Mysa Flow
Mysa Functional Yoga for Seniors
Mysa Functional Yoga for Seniors
Pilates Shred
Mysa Power Flow
Sculpt Shred
Mysa Flow
Mysa Flow
Mysa Yoga Nidra and Sound
Mysa Flow
Restorative Yin
Restorative Yin
Sunday Yoga (90 min)
Mysa Functional Yoga For Seniors

Mysa Functional Yoga For Seniors

45 minute class incorporating a seated Yoga warm up, standing low impact movements, standing balance and core work, light hand weights enabling muscle connection.  Incorporating breath work and mindfulness. 

The focus lies less on age and more on providing a low-impact class that integrates gentle movements to maintain fitness and balance as we age. This class is tailored for individuals who may struggle with typical yoga poses like downward dogs or lunges.

Mysa Flow

Mysa Flow

Mysa Flow is a vinyasa class which is a dependable sequence of asanas (poses) that gently lifts your heart rate and strengthens your body. Movement and breath are bought together to create over all harmony.

Poses are always explained and you will have options as to how gentle or deep you wish to go.

Every class concludes with the relaxing pose Savasana so that your Mysa Flow experience is integrated.

Mysa Restorative Yin

Mysa Restorative Yin

During this class, props like bolsters, blocks and pillows support your body while your nervous system is nourished.

Asanas (poses) are all floor based so you'll feel wonderfuIly grounded and earthed leaving your only responsibility to feel into your body and breathe deeply and slowly.

Mysa Yoga - Sunday Session

Mysa Yoga - Sunday Session

The Mysa Sunday Session is your perfect weekend wind down.

This 90min class is half Mysa Flow and half Mysa Restorative, giving you the best of both yoga experiences.

As with all classes, everything is explained and options are included so you can be a beginner or seasoned practitioner and receive the best class to begin your week on a positive note and finish you weekend as you deserve.

Mysa Yoga Shred - Fitness

Mysa Yoga Shred - Fitness

Mysa Yoga Shred is cardio based movement aimed at increasing your metabolism and is a timed HIIT session.

Each Mysa Shred class begins and finishes the same way, respecting your body and breath. Seated asanas (poses) lead to standing and through the warm up you become ready to shred.

Each class concludes with a warm down that gently decreases your heart rate leaving you ready to take on your life.

Mysa Sculpt Shred - Fitness

Mysa Sculpt Shred - Fitness

Mysa Scuplt Shred classes adds easy to hod hand weights to exercises so you can increase your muscle strength and joint agility.

Each Mysa Shred class begins and finishes the same way, respecting your body and breath. Seated asanas (poses) lead to standing and through the warm up you become ready to shred.

Each class concludes with a warm down that gently decreases your heart rate leaving you ready to take on your life.

Mysa Pilates Shred - Fitness

Mysa Pilates Shred - Fitness

Mysa Pilates Shred uses classic Pilates moves and exercises which are aimed towards muscle development and control.

Each Mysa Shred class begins and finishes the same way, respecting your body and breath. Seated asanas (poses) lead to standing and through the warm up, you become ready to shred.

Each class concludes with a warm down that gently decreases your heart rate leaving you ready to take on your life.

Mysa Yoga Nidra with Sound

Mysa Yoga Nidra with Sound

Discover serenity through our Yoga Nidra and Sound Class.  Experience deep relaxation with Yoga Nidras's guided meditation, staying conscious yet completely relaxed.  Combined with the healing power of sound therapy, immerse yourself in soothing  melodies for inner peace and rejuvenation. 

Mysa Power Flow

Mysa Power Flow

Mysa Power Flow is a vinyassa class with a little more tempo, strength and co-ordination. It will gently lift your heart rate and strenthen your body.  Poses are always explained and you will have options as to how gentle or deep you wish to go. 

A little Yoga flow experience is suggested but not essential. 

Every class concludes with Savasana, a relaxing pose, so that your Mysa Power Flow experience is complete. 

Mysa Sound Meditation

Mysa Sound Meditation

This class allows you to fully surrender while being supported in every aspect. Using probs like bolsters, blocks and pillows your support your body, the power of sound and vibration will allow a harmony to both body and mind.

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