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Mysa Movement

(Pronounced: mee-sah)

Mysa Movement offers a warm, supportive environment that provides a safe, nurturing place to move, breathe and grow connection to ourselves.


About Us

Mysa Movement offers a combination of Yoga, Fitness and Well-Being support through group classes, seminars and programs.

With so many outside pressures in our daily life, we feel it's important to look after your mental health as well as your physical health. Our classes supports us to become stronger, less stressed and more in tune within.

Our Yoga practice is not about being perfectly flexible, or to clear our thoughts completely. It's more about building a deeper connection to ourselves, to find forgiveness and to slow our breath and ourselves down.


Why Mysa?

Mysa is a Swedish word meaning: hygge, a big warm hug, being relaxed, taking time out from stress and musts, spending time with friends, and being in the moment and enjoying life with all your senses.

Why Yoga, fitness and wellbeing support?

We all know a regular Yoga practice increases our flexibility, but it can also increase strength, connection and coordination.

Our Yoga practice teaches us mind body awareness and connection.

Breathing techniques increase oxygen to our blood supply, reducing fatigue and building endurance.

When we develop the connection between mind and muscle, our bodies work harder (without having to use heavy load weights) resulting in better results and fewer injuries.

What we do

With a varied arrangement of classes on our timetable across 7 days a week there is the opportunity for everyone to find a little self care time.


Yoga, Restorative, Yoga Nidra, Sound and Shred Fitness classes are included on our normal group Fitness timetable.  


Seminars and information nights are held on a regular basis, covering a range of Well-being topics. 

We also offer a range of services outside our regular Yoga and Fitness Timetable. These include specialized group sessions for children or adults, supporting those with anxiety, Autism and trauma. The group sessions are age and fitness appropriate.


Supports through NDIS maybe available for those with Self-managed or Plan-managed funding.


Meet Leanne

My goal is to bring Yoga into the lives of people who wouldn't normally step foot in a Yoga studio.

I have over 6 years of experience as a yoga teacher. I am qualified in Vinyasa and Restorative Yin Yoga teaching and in Yoga Shred.


My teaching experience has allowed me to show people the complimentary benefits of combing Yoga and Fitness. I love to teach with clear intension, providing practical knowledge of mindfulness and developing the connection of mind and body.

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